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Unexplained Weight Loss: Is it a Serious Problem?

Unexplained weight loss or a sudden dip in muscles without attempt can be of concern. It could imply an underlying condition that could be undiagnosed or inefficiently treated.


Note that not every loss of weight is severe. After a life-changing or stressful incident, weight loss is the next most obvious thing to happen. Unintentional loss of weight may, however, be a sign of one of the illnesses listed below.

1. Loss of Muscle.

Muscular atrophy or loss of muscle might be the reason behind the unexplained weight loss. Muscle weakness is the main symptom. One of your extremities can appear even smaller than the other.


Your body consists of a fat mass that contains muscles, bones and water, and is devoid of fat, and you are going to lose weight if you lose your muscle.


Muscle can also occur if your muscles aren't used for some time. It is widespread which you in those who do not practise, work at work or have beds. Exercise and appropriate nutrition usually reverse the loss of muscle.


Traumas like shattered bones are other probable reasons for muscle loss

Other causes include ageing,  burns, stroke, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis,  injury to the nerve.

2. Overactive Thyroid 

When your thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, it develops hyperactive functioning thyroid. These hormones influence a variety of physiological activities, including metabolism and the reason behind the unexplained weight loss.


You will quickly burn calories if your thyroid is too active, even though you have a good appetite, and the excess calorie burn can result in accidental loss of weight.


Other reasons for muscle loss include fast and uneven cardiac rates, weariness, fatigue, heat sensitivity, sleeping disorders, hand tremors, among others. 


The possible cause of hyperthyroidism includes Graves' illness, thyroiditis, excessive ingestion of iodine, and excessive medication use.


Hyperthyroidism treatment depends on your age and severity and is usually treated with thyroid medicines, iodine, beta-blockers, or surgery.

Read more about thyroid health here best diet for hypothyroidism

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA is an autoimmune illness that leads to inflammation of the lining of the joints caused by your immune system. Chronic inflammation could accelerate metabolism and be one of the causes of unexplained weight loss.

RA symptoms include joint swelling and discomfort. The same joints on both sides of the corps are generally affected. If you have RA, your joints could be stiff f you don't move for around an hour or more.

Why RA occurs is still unknown, but this health concern has been linked to ageing, genes, hormonal alterations, smoking, secondhand smoking, and obesity. 


RA treatment usually starts with medicines. Medicines include anti-rheumatic disease-modifying medications, corticosteroids, biologics, and Janus inhibitors related to kinases. Consult a Doctor with Assurance to address the health concern right away!

4. Diabetes 

Type 1 diabetes is another cause of undesirable weight loss. If you are diabetic type 1, your immune system attacks insulin-producing cells in your pancreas. Glucose can not be used for energy without insulin. High blood glucose causes this.

Unused glucose can be removed from your kidneys through your urine and calories like sugar leaving the body.

Symptoms for Type 1 diabetes: frequent urination, dehydration, weariness, blurred eyesight, extreme appetite

Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes insulin, blood sugar surveillance, dietary changes and exercise.


Assurance provides Diabetes Disease Management Program dedicated to tackling the health concerns that come with diabetes. 

5. Depression

Depression, weight loss, is described by feelings of sadness, loss or emptiness for a minimum of two weeks. These emotions interfere with everyday work, like job or school.


Depression affects the same brain areas that manage hunger, leading to poor appetite and could be the reason behind the unexplained weight loss.


Depression can boost appetite in certain people. The symptoms are individually different. 


Other symptoms are persistent unhappiness,  hobby loss, low energy, low level, depression, Too little or excessive sleep, death thoughts or suicide, irritability.


Competence therapy and psychotherapy are utilized for treating depression as well as medications.

6. Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inattentive loss of weight may be a sign of inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD). IBD is a term that includes many chronic digestive tract inflammation illnesses. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are two of the most frequent kinds.

Chronic IBD inflammation puts your body in catabolic condition, and it uses energy constantly.

The IBD also disturbs the satiety hormone ghrelin, famine hormone, and leptin. This reduces appetite and loss of weight.

  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach ache
  • Bloating
  • Blood stools are different symptoms
  • Fatigue

Some foods are responsible for these symptoms. You could be hesitant to eat if you have IBD. IBD treatment is frequently supported nutritionally, by medicine, and by surgery in certain circumstances.

7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

The gradual lung disorder is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are included here. There are plenty of persons with COPD.

Slowly, Emphysema affects your lung airbags, making it difficult to breathe. Chronic bronchitis is responsible for the inflammation of the airways in the lungs. This causes mucosal, cough and respiratory problems.


The COPD is mild in the early days. Some individuals may not have symptoms, but some that may develop include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • slight cough with or without mucus.

COPD may result in weight loss in later stages. A lot of calories are consumed by laborious breathing. Cleveland Clinic says that a person with COPD may need 10 times more calories than a person without COPD. It can be unpleasant to eat and to breathe simultaneously.

Severe COPD symptoms also include swelling of legs, ankles or foot, reduced muscle stamina, tiredness.


Cigarette smoking is the principal cause of COPD. COPD may also lead to long-term exposure to irritants such as air pollution and dust. Treatment includes drugs like oxygen therapy, for example, bronchodilators and lung therapies.

8. Endocarditis

Endocarditis causes the heart's inner lining or endocardium inflammation. When germs - mainly bacteria - enter the bloodstream and gather into your heart, they grow.

Most endocarditis patients have faith. This can be accompanied by a weak appetite. High body temperatures also enhance metabolism and burn fat, which leads to a loss of weight.

Heart Murmur, coughing, with or without blood Other signs include:

  • Body discomfort
  • Chest pain
  • Breathing trouble
  • Night sweat
  • Headache back pain
  • Tuberculosis (TB)

TB, an infectious disease that mainly affects the lung is another source of unexplained weight loss. It is caused by bacteria of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The loss of weight and reduced appetite are the main signs of TB, but the reasons are not entirely clear.

TB stretches over the air. Without getting sick, that manages hunger, which you can catch TB. The germs become dormant if your immune system can combat them. 

Symptoms include a bad cough lasting 3 weeks or more,  chest pains, coughing up blood or phlegm, exhaustion, night chills, fever.


Tuberculosis is usually treated for 6-9 months with medicines.

10. Cancer

Cancer is the general term for diseases that swiftly split and disseminate aberrant cells. Unknown weight loss of 10 or more pounds may be one of the earliest indicators of cancer. This is common in pancreatic, pulmonary, stomach and esophageal malignancies.

Cancer causes inflammation to grow. This encourages muscular wastage and alters hormones that regulate hunger. A developing tumour also can increase the amount of energy your body consumes or rest.

Early symptoms include: 

  • Fever 
  • Tiredness 
  • Discomfort 
  • Changing skin

These symptoms may be due to many illnesses. Sometimes, there are no symptoms of cancer.

Therapy depends on cancer kind. Operations and radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, are typically included.

11. Cardiac Issues

The loss of weight is a complication of heart failure (CHF). The heart can not pump blood with enough force, or both if the heart cannot fill up with enough blood, CHF develops. It can affect the heart on one or both sides.

You can't get sufficient blood in your digestive tract if you have CHF. This may lead to nausea and early plenitude. It may also be challenging to respire when you are eating.

Inflammation in damaged cardiac tissue also leads to unintended weight loss—metabolism increases.

Symptoms of CHF also include breath failure, continued coughing, fatigue, fast heart rate, swelling etc.

There are numerous drugs for CHF, including inhibitors, beta-blockers and diurétics of angiotensin-converting enzymes. An operation may be required in some instances.

Another indication Fleece red or purple on the skin

In a healthy heart, endocarditis is rare. People with heart valves, artificial heart valves or congenital heart defects will more likely be affected.

Read more about heart health on 5 steps to controlling high blood pressure 

How can Assurance help me?

Assurance by NanoHealth provides Disease Management Programs, including PCOD care, infertility, Heart care, etc.


Why us? Our AI-driven initiative helps timely identification, diagnosis, and treatment by pairing you with the proper care providers. 

  1. Our disease care management programs include: 
  2. Regular interactions with your health coach for treatment adherence. 
  3. Periodic doctor consultations to ensure effective treatment. 
  4. Routine blood tests to track the progress and improvements.

Book an appointment with nutritionists from anywhere & anytime today to get a carefully assessed and curated meal plan to headstart your healthy journey. Head over to our website nhassurance.com and consult a specialist today!