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Post Covid Recovery: Symptoms, Complications and Precautions

Post-Covid recovery symptoms, complications and precautions are gaining attention rapidly as the occurrence of “Long-haul Covid” or simply, “Long Covid” is becoming prominent in the people who are in their recovery phase after testing Covid positive.“Long Covid” refers to the post-Covid recovery complications.

Many health-related issues are manifesting in these patients as a part of post Covid recovery symptoms. They can appear after a few days after catching Covid or can even take a few months.

Educating yourself about the post Covid recovery symptoms, complications and precautions can prove to be instrumental in preventing health deterioration of the Covid infected person.

Some of the Common Post Covid Recovery Symptoms

Here are some of the most commonly observed post Covid recovery symptoms that you should take a note of and consult a doctor before taking any medicines:

A Low-Grade Fever

Experiencing a mild fever after Covid recovery that ranges from 99-99.6∘F for a few weeks is considered one of the most common after Covid recovery symptoms. It usually does not require much medication except for an antipyretic like Paracetamol that can be taken to get relief. However, make sure to consult a doctor before taking any medication.

In some cases, the fever might be accompanied by chills or severe body pain which can be indicative of reinfection. This should not be ignored and should be treated immediately with the help of a doctor.

Persistent Cough

A lingering cough is experienced by most Covid patients in their recovery phase. Covid can cause damage to the lungs, which makes coughing a prime marker of the Coronavirus. Coughing can go on for a few weeks after the patient has recovered. It could be a sign of upper respiratory inflammation and should prompt a consultation with a medical professional.

Malaise and Muscle Pain

Covid is a viral infection associated with a heavy magnitude. It can leave the body of the patient fatigued with frequent muscle and joint aches. Having headaches is also common in the post Covid recovery period.

Difficulties in Concentrating or Brain Fog

Having difficulties in sleeping on time, carrying out cognitive tasks and dealing with stress. These are all a part of the post Covid recovery symptoms for many people. These are observed in the patients after the recovery period because the virus can significantly impact the brain’s functions.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, survivor’s guilt and many more can be responsible for the patient’s mental health concerns after recovering from Covid. These should not be ignored, and the Covid patients should consider undergoing counselling.

Breathlessness and Chest Pain

Experiencing difficulty in breathing, sudden changes in the heart rate, palpitations or dizziness can be signs of a severe underlying health issue. Covid can result in blood clots formation in the body and pose greater health risks that may show up after the Covid recovery.

The patient should immediately consult a doctor without any delays in case they experience any of these symptoms.

What Complications Can Arise Post Covid Recovery?

There are multiple organs at risk once the Coronavirus infects the body. The lungs, kidneys and heart become very vulnerable. Rare cases of Mucormycosis, commonly called “the black fungus,” are also life-threatening.

When it comes to the lungs, the virus directly gets involved with the lung cells. They can lead to a condition called Lung Fibrosis by stimulating the fibroblasts. This is commonly called the “Triple Lung'' condition.

The caretaker of the Covid patient and the Covid patient should always look out for the post Covid recovery symptoms, complications and precautions because they can help in the detection of post Covid recovery complications at an early stage and help in avoiding any mishaps.

What are the Precautions after Covid Recovery that Should be Followed?

The weakness that Covid patients experience after Covid recovery can be dealt with these precautions:

Eat a Lot of Vegetables and Fruits

Providing nourishment to the body is a must. This nourishment should come from a nutritional diet. A patient should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

Try eating a plate of fresh fruits first thing in the morning. The patient can also try fresh fruit juice and raw vegetables juice to get the much-needed vitamins and minerals.

Don’t Engage in High-Intensity Workouts

 Workouts after Covid should be light. Patients who suffered a mild infection can start working out after the recovery. However, they should gradually increase the intensity and the time of their exercise routine over a few days.

People who suffered from severe infection should avoid exercising for the first few days after Covid recovery.

Avoid Drinking and Smoking

It is imperative that the patients avoid alcohol and smoking for a couple of weeks post their Covid recovery. Intake of alcohol or smoking can cause the lungs and other organs to suffer when they are already vulnerable after fighting a deadly virus.

Drink a Lot of Fluids

Drinking a lot of fluids like water, coconut water, warm milk, and fresh juice is important to ensure that the body is working at its best in recovering from the toll that the virus took on it.

Continue to Maintain Distance

Keep a distance from the family members and avoid going out for at least 7-10 days after recovering from Covid. It is a good idea to continue using a mask whenever you go near your family members.


Hopefully, this detailed guide about post Covid recovery symptoms, complications and precautions gives you a better insight into dealing with the post Covid period. Ensure you take all the necessary steps to avoid any long-lasting and severe health effects that the virus can cause.

The fight with Covid is long and exhausting. It can impact patients mentally, physically and emotionally. Keeping a positive attitude is essential to overcome all hardships and ensure a quick and complete recovery. 

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