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Omicron Covid Strain Symptoms

With the change of the variants, the Covid pandemic seems endless. Now and then, there seems to be a variant that seems to be more powerful than the previous one.


Pandemic has been very hard on everyone. With the emergence of the Omicron strain, it is unlikely to possess total resistance towards the vaccine, but there are still chances to be held that it might lower the effectiveness of the virus. Still, the research is to be done whether the variant is going to be nasty or it is just a wrong alarm.


Whenever there comes a new variant, the primary and foremost question among people is, what are the symptoms by which the virus may be deducted? Well, read on to know the symptoms of the new variant Covid Omicron.


Omicron has over 30 mutations present in its spike protein and also shares several mutations with the two previous variants, beta, and gamma. This variant is considered the "variant of concerns" due to its highly contagious nature. However, there is not much information on whether the Covid Omicron Covid Variant Symptoms are the same as the previous coronavirus symptoms. 


With the upcoming of Omicron, there's no sure whether the present vaccines will be effective to the strain or the testing procedures will be the same. Everyone around the world is in panic and researching unconditionally to prevent the transmission of the virus.


However, with some researches, it has been found a number of the Covid Omicron Covid Variant Symptoms which patients suffering from the Omicron variant may suffer the following symptoms:

  • The patients infected with Omicron show extreme tiredness where there is no limited age group. The tiredness can be felt by any person infected, whether young, old, child, or teen.
  • Omicron patients have also complained about scratch throat, which may be a new symptom among the variants till now.
  • Patients may suffer dry coughs or no cough at all, as it is not the same as the previous variants where the patients were suffering from coughing symptoms.
  • There is no drop of oxygen saturation levels within the patients as in the previous variants, where patients lacked oxygen and were breathless.
  • Night sweats, muscle pains, fatigue, and a lot of body pains with headaches are the common symptom of the Covid Omicron Covid variant.
  • Patients infected with the Covid Omicron strain have not yet reported a loss of taste or smell like that, which went on within the previous strains where the patients were tasteless and couldn't smell.
  • Most of the patients suffering from Covid Omicron Covid Variant Symptoms have recovered without any hospitalization.
  • It has also been noticed that Omicron does not damage the Olfactory epithelium, due to which the inflammation within the olfactory or the area which smells does not get affected.

It takes about 4-5 days for an infected person to show the symptoms of the virus and might be recovered after 14 days of the infection.


However, it is not yet clear whether the infections with the Omicron variant cause more severity compared to other variants. The World health organization has also asked for a few weeks to see how the new variant works on the diagnostics and vaccines. As of now, a doctor from South Africa who first raised the alarm of the new strain has described this Omicron variant as 'extremely mild.'


Wear your mask whenever you go outdoors, get vaccinated on your turn, and maintain social distancing. Immediately consult a doctor or seek medical help through a call whenever you are feeling any such serious symptoms to get a hold of the infection. It might be Omicron. Better hurry up than to be late.


At Assurance, we provide you with recognizing the high-risk patterns, disease identification, and also prevention through our Covid management programs where you or anyone in your family if diagnosed with Covid can take the program and take help and care for yourself where the care providers keep in track of your improvements.


To provide you with the proper diagnosis and treatment, we at Assurance provide you with a Covid Screening test which recommends your disease risk and suggests you with the diagnostic testing and doctor visits.


Get your vaccinations done at your turn and reduce your risk of getting infected. Try to stay indoors and use a mask whenever going outdoors. Keep washing and sanitizing your hands, and avoid touching your face every now and then. Follow all the other Covid protocols to save yourself, your family, and the nation from the pandemic.


Visit our website nhassurance.com to know more and to read the blogs on covid.