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How to Take Care of Kidneys

Improper functioning of Kidneys can damage your entire body and put your life at risk. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the Kidneys to reduce the risk factors of Kidney diseases. You will need to make healthy choices to take care of your Kidneys. Your good inner health depends on healthy Kidneys.


Consult a doctor through assurance if you have doubts about your kidney’s health. 


Taking good care of Kidneys is the one step to getting a healthy and safe life. The most fundamental ways to take care of kidneys are listed below.

Drink lot of Water

Water is all about life so it will definitely keep kidneys healthy. No denial there!


Recommended: 10-12 glasses of water daily will keep kidney troubles at bay. It is best to drink warm water to help kidneys flush out toxins and urinary products present in the body.

Embrace healthy diet

Avoiding packed food is good for your health. A low sodium diet would help your kidney health. Try to take just 5 grams of salt in your 24 hours of diet. Taking a lot of salt may also result in hypertension, leading to hypertension-related kidney disorders.

Blood sugar levels

Keeping your blood sugar levels as a part of your routine body checkup is very important as most people who have diabetes do not even know they have diabetes and are ignorant. Diabetes is the main lead to kidney damage. 

Blood pressure

It is important to keep in check and control the blood pressure in the routine body checkup, as many people suffering from high blood pressure are not aware of it. Many a time people are unaware of this risk. Although, the risk can be reduced by controlling it and regularly monitoring the blood pressure, which should be less than 120/80.


Exercise is a key to healthy living. Exercising 30-45 minutes per day keeps you healthy inside out. Jogging, walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc., can do wonders. Exercising keeps your body fit and helps you maintain body weight, blood sugars, lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of Chronic Kidney Diseases.

Quit smoking and alcohol consumption

Smoking can slow down the blood flow to the Kidneys. This can decrease the normal functionality of the kidney. In contrast, alcohol invites toxins into the body, damaging the kidney. The risk of Kidney cancer is hyped by 50 percent by smoking and alcohol. Smoking even one cigarette increases the risk of kidney disorder.

Avoid pain killers

Pain killers are very bad for kidneys. Pain killers increase the progression of Chronic Kidney diseases. We tend to take pain killers to simple pains in the body, which is very wrong. 


It is best to consult a doctor whenever you feel any pain or for blood sugars or blood pressure to take into account.


The people at a high risk of kidney disorders are the ones who are Diabetic, Hypertensive, Obese, or even have a family history of Kidney diseases.

Keep in check your Kidney functions regularly with the lab tests of blood or urine tests as recommended by your doctor. At Assurance, with our Al-driven healthcare solutions, you are recommended for improving access to care providers with the right diagnosis and treatment.


Samples of the test are collected at the convenience of your home and analyzed if doctor visits are necessary to provide you with a hassle-free service.


Above are a few ways to take care of kidneys. But, did you know!! Certain foods provide the best health for your kidneys. Read more on the kidney health foods below.

Kidney health foods

Healthy foods are vital to keep your kidneys healthy and keep them functioning properly. For the overall health of your body, the functioning of the kidney is very important as kidneys are responsible for maintaining the body’s fluid, filtering the blood, and removing toxins. A low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorous diet is considered the best kidney health food. Some of them are listed below.


Apples contain great anti-inflammatory compounds which help in supporting kidney functioning. Apples are also rich in pectin, another soluble fiber that helps manage the risk of kidney disease. 


Egg whites are an excellent source of low proteins and hence do no. Egg white is the best choice for people undergoing dialysis treatment.


Garlic is considered a traditional medicine for its properties to cure many diseases. It has various antibiotics and anti-inflammatory properties, making garlic ideal for kidney health. Three cloves of garlic are best for consumption daily.


Onions have a lot of health benefits but are particularly used for kidney health. It helps to minimize cellular damage and boost the metabolism of proteins and fats. 


Raspberries have a huge effect on kidney stones. The properties present in this berry are also good for kidney health.


Cauliflower is one of the nutritious vegetables with many nutrients and vitamins present. It is full of anti-inflammatory compounds and is a good source of fiber.


It is always good to take fiber good nutritious food to avoid many problems and healthy living.