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How to Prepare for COVID Third Wave

The first wave of coronavirus that struck India in 2020 and the ongoing second wave of Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on India’s healthcare system and many individuals and families alike. In addition, many post covid recovery complications, like Mucormycosis AKA Black Fungus, continue to compromise people’s immunity and plague the healthcare system’s capabilities. 

The second wave of Covid has not completely died out yet, and various health experts (both national and international) have started issuing warnings against the third wave of Covid. 

The Delta variant is becoming a globally dominant strain with every passing day. This is the virus strain that is responsible for causing widespread devastation during the second wave in India. 

As we know it, the Delta Plus variant could become the major and foremost cause of the third Covid wave in India. Although a few cases of the Delta Plus virus strain have already been identified in a few states, doctors are still unclear about many related facts like its definite symptoms, the extent of damage caused to the patient’s body, and the rate of transmissibility.

Given the recent experience that the country has had with the second wave, ‘How to Prepare for Covid Third Wave,’ is becoming the central topic of many public healthcare discussions.

When Can We Expect The Third Wave to Strike India?

Several healthcare professionals, virologists, doctors, professors, epidemiologists and scientists have estimated the time of arrival of the third wave of Covid in India to be in October 2021. Some believe it to be one or two months before or after this date. 

The list containing the names of Covid-19 third wave countries includes some countries in the African region that have recorded an upsurge in their daily Covid cases. For now, India is not present in this list of countries’ names.

Covid Third Wave Symptoms

A few states in the country, like Maharashtra, have recorded a few cases of the Delta Plus Covid variant. Initial results show that the new virus strain has an increased affinity to the mucosal lining inside the lungs. However, it is still unclear as to how far this will go in causing damage to the patient’s body. 

Healthcare professionals across the country have also pointed out that the exact symptoms of the third wave of Covid will only become clear once we start seeing more cases of the mutated virus. New cases will bring a new set of symptoms with them, which is similar to what we witnessed in the second wave of Covid in India. 

While we don’t yet know the exact symptoms of the mutant virus, there are still some common symptoms of Covid-19 that we can be on the lookout for as we prepare ourselves for a third wave. 

Here are some common symptoms outlined by WHO that should prompt you to consult a doctor in case any of them start presenting in you or others around you-

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Fatigue

These are the most common symptoms of Covid-19. Some other less common symptoms include:

  • Conjunctivitis (redness and infection in the eyes)
  • Persistent headache
  • Diarrhoea
  • Sleep disorders
  • Confusion or brain fog
  • Dizziness
  • Joint pain or muscle pain
  • Losing smell and taste
  • Sore throat
  • Running nose and nasal congestion
  • Rashes on the skin

There are some severe symptoms of the virus that you shouldn’t neglect. If you experience any of these symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms are:

  • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain in the chest that won’t go away
  • High body temperature

How to Prepare For The Third Wave Of Covid 

You can take several measures to minimise the suffering caused during Covid-19 and even afterwards when you’re recovering from it.

The best ways to prepare for the third wave of Covid are mainly precautionary in nature.

Get Vaccinated When It’s Your Turn

It has been globally acknowledged that getting vaccinated is the best way to fight against Covid-19. In addition, getting vaccinated will significantly reduce your chances of ending up in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the hospital. This helps when there aren’t enough hospital beds, ambulances and oxygen cylinders available in your region.

Vaccinating people across the country on a large scale is our best bet against the third wave.

Follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour

Maintain the practice of social distancing, wear masks whenever you step out of the house and only step out when it is essential. Taking these steps falls under the category of Covid appropriate behaviour. All of the steps that we religiously followed when the country went through the first two waves of Covid-19 can be our saving grace in the third wave.

Work Towards Building Up Your Immunity

People with underlying health issues like diabetes and obesity are more prone to suffering from the long-term effects of covid. Actively working to strengthen the immune system is a wise approach to safeguarding yourself from the ill effects of the third wave. Eating a healthy and balanced diet and working out regularly can go a long way in building up your immunity to protect you from not just Covid but many other health hazards as well. 

The Bottom Line

Healthcare experts are heavily contemplating the possibility of a third wave of Covid-19 in the country and the extent of damage that comes with it. In these times, the best way to prepare for the third wave of Covid is to get vaccinated and not let your guard down just yet. Continue to follow Covid appropriate behaviour on a daily basis and work on your immunity. 

Prevention is better than the cure when it comes to the ongoing Covid pandemic. But, at the same time, be proactive and consult a doctor if you notice any symptoms. Don’t wait for the situation to worsen.