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Best Diet for Hypothyroidism

Allow us to begin with the unpleasant news. Miraculous diets for a thyroid disorder or any other diseases do not exist and there is no specific one that will cure hypothyroidism. However, medication is usually required. Diet is a supporting cast member and here we share the best diet for hypothyroidism. 


What's so good? The best diet for hypothyroidism can assist in maintaining thyroid function and improve your overall health, weight control, and energy level.


Read on to know more about what should be included and what should be excluded in the best diet for hypothyroidism?


Supporting thyroid function requires three nutrients: selenium, zinc, and iodine.

  • Beef 
  • Turkey 
  • Chicken 
  • Fish 
  • Shellfish

Additionally, zinc is found in the following foods: 

  • Oysters 
  • Red meat 
  • Poultry 
  • Beans 
  • Nuts 
  • Crab, and lobster

When it comes to iodine, caution is advised. (You must have an adequate amount of iodine, but in the United States, low levels are often not a concern.) Iodine supplements may aggravate hypothyroidism. The amount you consume daily should be sufficient unless you consume a lot of seaweed. If you are taking any iodine supplements, discuss this with a specialist to rule out overdosing. 


Hypothyroidism can result in weight gain because it slows your metabolism. Hence, what works best here is a balanced diet. Opt for the healthiest food items and curate meals out of them. You will not only achieve healthy body weight but also enjoy enhanced energy levels. 


Thyroid specialists working with Assurance say that "Eating more whole or slightly processed meals and avoiding added sweets and highly refined carbohydrates will help you feel more energized."


Consume food on a consistent timetable to maintain your energy levels. 

Your daily meal pattern should include:

  1. Three steady meals every day.
  2. Occasional snacking is a better pattern than grazing, eating erratically,
  3. Do not eat too lightly at various times. 

Consuming food in this manner depletes your energy:

Goitrogens – chemicals found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower — have been shown to have a thyroid-stimulating effect. However, boiling these veggies considerably decreases the number of goitrogens present. They should have a considerably smaller effect if cooked than if eaten raw. Therefore, please consult a nutritionist with Assurance to see whether they are hypothyroidism-friendly meals.


Regardless of whether you have hypothyroidism, avoid foods that provide little or no nutrients, such as those heavy in added sugars and overly processed refined carbohydrates. Thyroid specialists affiliated with Assurance urge minimizing meat-eating and maintaining a healthy alcohol consumption.

Avoid these foods

Fortunately, hypothyroidism does not need you to forego a wide variety of meals.


You may wish to avoid the consumption of processed foods, as they typically include a high caloric content. 

Let’s take a look at the list of foods and supplements that should be avoided:

  • Millet: All types
  • Highly processed foods include hot dogs, cakes, and cookies.
  • Supplements: While adequate selenium and iodine intakes are necessary for thyroid function, excessive amounts of either can be harmful. Supplement with selenium and iodine only if directed to do so by a trusted healthcare expert.

There are some food items which you should have in moderation and these include: 

  • Tofu, tempeh, edamame beans, and soy milk.
  • Peaches, pears, and strawberries are just a few of the fruits.
  • Caffeine, green tea, and alcohol may aggravate your thyroid gland.

For more clarity do consult a doctor associated with Assurance. 


Nutrition alone cannot correct hypothyroidism. Yes, it is a fact. Enrol in the Thyroid Disease Management Program by Assurance for better health-related outcomes. 


But, good nutrition can significantly improve mood, help in maintaining a healthy weight and increase your energy. Choose nutrient-dense foods with a focus on selenium and zinc, and maintain a regular eating pattern. Consult your doctor for additional guidance on the optimal hypothyroid diet.


You should also refer thyroid disorder for better awareness of the thyroid gland.

How can Assurance help me?

Assurance by NanoHealth provides Disease Management Programs, including PCOD care, infertility, Heart care, etc.


Why us? Our AI-driven initiative helps timely identification, diagnosis, and treatment by pairing you with the right care providers. 

Our disease care management programs include: 

  1. Regular interactions with your health coach for treatment adherence. 
  2. Periodic doctor consultations to ensure effective treatment. 
  3. Routine blood tests to track the progress and improvements.

The 200 days thyroid Management Program offered by Assurance includes video calls with the dietician, health coach and a doctor of internal medicine. 

Assurance is with you every step of the way until maximum health and wellness are achieved.