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This 2023, gift your employees the “Gift of Good Health”

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”- Mahatma G.


The true success of any company depends primarily on its workforce. Needless to say that healthy employees are capable of working to their highest levels and taking the company from one growth pinnacle to another much faster than otherwise. Hence, taking good care of your employees by investing in their health adds to the company's overall success.


But with working professionals increasingly falling prey to various chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular problems, hypertension and more, it becomes important for employers to engage employees into meaningful data-driven wellness, timely risk stratification to help them not just get aware of their current health status but also be able to assist them in managing or reversing any risk they may be at.


As per a report called 'Preventive Healthcare and its impact on the Corporate Sector' by ASSOCHAM, every rupee spent on prevention saves Rs. 133 in absenteeism costs and Rs. 6.62 in healthcare costs for companies. This report also states that preventive health checkups for employees show a positive result in absenteeism and reduced costs for the company.


Benefits for Employee Health Checkup for Corporates

Early Health Risk Detection in Employees: Annual health checkups help manage healthcare and risk stratify the employees under mild, high and severe risks in time.

This awareness prevents the risk of the development and progress of any chronic diseases. 


Prevent Avoidable Hospitalization :With early risk detection employees are also empowered to take the right next steps in order to manage or reverse the health condition in time. Hence avoiding any unintended Hospital visits.


Reduced Annual Insurance Claims: Corporate health checkup packages help lower insurance costs and also reduce the sick leaves taken by the employees. Health checkup packages detect health issues in time thus ensuring lesser sick leaves and hospital visits are taken by the employees.


Better Employee Retention: Increased job satisfaction and happier employees boost employee morale thus resulting in better employee retention.


So now if you’re considering health checkups for your employees and wondering where to go, count on Assurance by NanoHealth! 


We are a health tech company preventing avoidable hospitalization resulting in reduced annual claims & increased employee productivity. This is achieved through our data driven solutions offering pro-active, personalized and coordinated healthcare.


The “Gift of Good Health’ package is the ideal 2023 gift for all your employees as this will take care of your employees' complete well-being.


Here’s everything what the package includes:

  • More than 25 vital blood parameters are made available at the employee's doorstep.
  • Unlimited 24/7 online doctor & health coach consultation throughout the year.
  • 360 Digital health history for employees and families.
  • Free monthly webinars.
  • Proactive health recommendations on your app… and more!

Call us at +91 77999 87272 to avail of our gift of good health package for your employees.