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10 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Heart Health

Even though deaths from heart and circulatory illnesses are declining faster than those from other diseases, it remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Here are ten things you can do to Improve Your Heart Health.

1. Reduce your intake of salt.

If you eat a high-salt diet, your blood pressure is likely to be high as well, putting you at an elevated risk of heart disease or stroke. Adults should consume no more than 6g of salt per day, while children should have 3g (2.5g of salt is the equivalent of 1g of sodium). Reduce your salt consumption by avoiding salt at the table and lowering the amount you use in cooking.


Note: Please pay attention to the product labels and learn the amount of salt is present in the processed meals. Do not consume processed foods that contain more than 1.5g salt per 100g because this level is too high.  

2. Consume less sugar

Excess sugar in your diet can cause weight gain, elevating your blood pressure and contributing to diabetes and heart disease. If you have a sweet tooth and can't go without sweets, then consume fresh fruits with yoghurt and avoid high sugar junk like pastries, chocolates and sweet puddings.

Note: Please consult your doctor before investing yourself in artificial sweeteners.

3. Reduce consumption of saturated fat

Cholesterol levels are raised by saturated fats, predominantly present in ghee, margarine, dairy fats like cheese & butter, fatty meats, and processed meals like cakes, pastries, and pies.


Note: You can opt for low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and grilling or steam-based cooking for better diet solutions. Just by limiting use of saturated fats, you can improve your heart health significantly. Consult a Cardiologist with Assurance as we have a disease management program specially curated to take care of hypertension and heart health.

4. Increase intake of fruits and vegetables

Improve potassium levels in your body by consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. How does potassium help? It helps in maintaining your blood pressure levels.

Vitamins, minerals, and fibre content from vegetables and fruits and keep your heart healthy. Let us not forget that citrus fruits, most beans, eggplant and pulses are also high in soluble fibre, which significantly help in lowering cholesterol.


Note: Meet with a nutritionist or dietician for exact serving measurements of meats, fruits and vegetables

5. Opt for fish meat

Your doctor must have told you that omega-3 fatty acids are great for heart health. But, why take pills for them when they are naturally available in oily fish like salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel and sardines. Vegetarians can get their complete omega-3 fatty acid from flaxseed and flaxseed oil, wheat germ, spinach, walnuts, canola and soya oil.


Note: Pumpkins and sunflower seeds too have plenty of omega-3 fatty acid content and can help improve your heart health, so snack on them whenever you can.

6. No smoking. Strictly!

Smokers are twice as like to die of heart attack as non-smokers, and it is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases. It not only destroys the artery lining but also reduces the amount of oxygen in your circulation and elevates your blood pressure.


Note: If you've previously struggled to quit smoking, consult a Cardiologist with Assurance to learn about options. 

7. Limit your alcohol consumption

Alcohol can harm your heart by generating high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, and heart muscle damage. Kindly follow the current standards for moderate alcohol consumption.


Note: The allowed limits of alcohol are two to three units/day for women and three to four units/day for men.

8. Increase your physical activity

Chances of cardiovascular diseases increase when one is not physically active are are more like to suffer from heart attack. 


Note: Consult a doctor before starting any heavy lifting and aim for weekly 150 minutes of moderate-intensity movement.

9. Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity comes with a disease package, and we are serious. Being overweight means a higher risk of developing high cholesterol, high BP, and type 2 diabetes.


Note: Improve Your Heart Health by losing weight. Cutting down on the sugars, saturated fats, alcohol and consuming more vegetables and fruits will help. While eating all of these, do not forget to add movement to your life. Take a Hypertension Blood Test through Assurance as we have experienced cardiologists on board who are available to offer counselling, diagnosis and treatment solutions.

10. Maintain stress control

Life is tuff, we know it too well, but stress and worry do not help. Stress increases inclination towards smoking, drinking alcohol and takes our mind of exercise. 


Note: Drinking more than recommended increases the risk of cardiac issues.

 Consult a specialist with Assurance

Here is where we help and extend our services. Assurance has heart care packages that help people get screened for heart issues, state-of-the-art diagnostics, speciality doctor consultations, and disease management programs.


With Assurance, you can consult a doctor anytime & anywhere for healthy wellbeing. Please do not google your symptoms because, according to the internet, every symptom is a serious ailment, and you do not want to add up the anxiety.

How can Assurance help me?

Assurance by NanoHealth provides Disease Management Programs, including PCOD care, infertility, Heart care, etc.


Our AI-driven initiative helps timely identification, diagnosis, and treatment by pairing you with the right care providers. 

Our disease care management programs include: 

  1. Regular interactions with your health coach for treatment adherence. 
  2. Periodic doctor consultations to ensure effective treatment. 
  3. Routine blood tests to track the progress and improvements.

Assurance is with you every step of the way until maximum health and wellness are achieved.